Follow suit: David Beckham (centre) hogging the limelight, but he\’s no Fabio Capello (right)From Piers Morgan in the Mail on Sunday
I\’ve given this matter some considerable thought and still cannot come up with any answer that makes the remotest sense. What IS David Beckham doing at this World Cup? Each England game, he appears in the dugout in a suit exactly like Fabio Capello\’s and spends the next 90 minutes leaping up and down and shouting like Fabio Capello. The only problem is that he\’s NOT Fabio Capello. He\’s just one of several players, including the desperately unfortunate Rio Ferdinand, who got injured before the tournament. But instead of taking his bad luck like a man and retiring into the shadows, Beckham\’s doing what he always does – still trying to hog all the limelight like a petulant schoolkid. It\’s embarrassing. Read more:–I-hope.html#ixzz0sBInAwaS