My Website HPT-Transformation has been offline for a few weeks now because of a major re-engineering of the whole

thing which resulted from me mentioning that the site needed a bit of a shake-up. I don\’t know what would have happened if I had suggested re-engineering!!!! In January 2016 the new site with the new Company Name will go live and I will be very pleased.
Over the past couple of weeks on various Google Hang outs and Blabs I have commented on my company being a hive of Controlled Madness and Organised Chaos. Here are a few examples but first…
I am a firm believer in a corporate culture. Hey, I worked in a double breasted suit and tie in a Blue Chip Company as their Sales and Marketing Director and National Sales Trainer so I know what I am talking about. When you are sitting at a stiff, proper, blue chip board room table with thirty other people, it can be difficult to find a startling, off the wall, madcap, insane, nuts idea being raised. So many people fear suggesting something outrageous. I hate that.
Brainstorming or crowdsourcing or whatever you want to call it brings these ideas out but I believe if you cultivate a culture of what Richard Branson calls \’Screw it, let\’s do it\’ then no idea is held back, no idea is too extreme and outrageous and that culture is a culture of growth.
Us on the floor and one of the guys firing a fire extinguisher out the Dalek Gun for a corporate brochure. 2 shocked visitors came out of the lift while we filmed this!
Here is the culture of growth I work in…
All Photographs (c) David Moore 2004-2015
Sending people over the firebed for the Jersey Friends of Childline Charity Firewalk at Fort Regent
Eventually they got the message
(c) David Moore Firewalk poster
Me and Ross Jeffries (
Leading England and West Ham Footballer Ian Wright over a bed of Broken Glass
Training room and Cinema
Black and Gold Dalek
Thunderbird 3 in the main office
My favourite Dalek who doubles as the head of HR You can get in this and drive it around.
Bean bags for watching a movie
Dalek and Thunderbird 1 in the chill room
The Main Office

The Gun Bunker
