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Overview of HPT-Transformation Training

Writer's picture: DAVE MOOREDAVE MOORE

The HPT Standard Training is a form of participatory theatre.  It is like a drama with one major overriding difference: Although a catharsis is one of the aims, it ALSO aims to bring the STAR of the drama, each participant to an experience of themselves which is the transformation itself.

To get the most out of HPT I recommend that you don’t try to figure it out.  If you don’t make an effort to understand it…you will probably understand it.  The ULTIMATE way to understand it is to experience it so this is merely an overview without the benefit of reality.

The reality is total immersion.  Four 10 hour days.  40 Hours of transformation technology, and usually more.  The training has been known to go on until 1am.

The setting of the training is arduous and the content is irreverent and intrusive.  You cannot get sympathy from this environment.

Within this setting a number of things take place but let’s look at three of them:

First: There are presentations that are given by the trainer. Either myself or one of my trainers will run the program. We provide information and philosophical analysis, distinctions and definitions, we monitor and give evidence of the differing levels of experience.

Second: The sharing of information and experiences and the questions from the participants.  They are encouraged but not required to share their experiences, what’s happening to them, their problems.

Third: there are the processes, the exercises that may be done in an altered state that stems from what’s called an Autogenic Relaxation Method. The exercises take place in the room as a group or individually or in pairs. They are done sitting down, standing up or lying on the floor.  Eyes closed, eyes open.

The exercises and activities are designed to bring out the various levels of unconscious into the light.

People have peak experiences during the training.  The aim is not to make that happen for its OWN sake, but to transform the trainee’s ability to experience.

We give a contextual shift: from deficiency orientation to sufficiency orientation.  From a context of where things in your life are arranged in such a way to make you satisfied to an experience of being satisfied RIGHT NOW and organising things in your life around that.

The training promises an encounter with the self.  The person you were destined to be.  The REAL you.  You need to connect to the real you, the real you that all this useless ‘stuff’ is hiding.  We strip you back to nothing, so that the person you really are can see and recognise the person you were meant to be.

The only true way to create something is to create it from NOTHING!  If you try to create something from something, you are just CHANGING or ALTERING something.  In order to create something you first have to be able to create NOTHING.

HPT is a self-confrontation experience.  This confrontation is not with one’s self, but the truth about one’s self.  It includes elements of Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, philosophy, Cybernetics, Psychology, NLP and NeuroScience.

We conduct a context where a siege is mounted on the mind.  This is to identify and examine the presuppositions of the trainees positionality and break up the existing wiring of the mind.

The essence of HPT is that it produces and IS what you get.  People dis-identify from their minds, bodies, emotions and problems, which is the story of their lives.  The training room is a safe environment so that you can step back and look at yourself instead of being forced to be yourself or defend yourself.

Every time your mind attempts to justify a concept you have about who you are or the truth about who you are, HPT will puncture it.  When this happens often enough, you start to be in silence.  It is then that you experience the truth.  That truth is: You Are.

While each of us knows that, the training allows people to know it experientially with their whole and entire being.  We bring suppressed emotions to the surface so they can be experienced.

The training gives people the opportunity to be with all of the things which you have kept hidden or under the surface.  As one by one those hidden things come up, they appear to be an enormous burden on physical, mental and emotional systems.   Underneath the things people don’t allow themselves to experience is the experience of their own truth.

The Value of knowledge is determined by the way in which it is known.  This means, it’s not only WHAT you know, but HOW you know it, that determines how you USE what you know. 

We are stuck in our system of beliefs.  Our lives are based on the idea that what we believe is actually so.  In reality, what we believe is based on a system of agreements which just symbolise what is so.  Our language or system of knowing is not experiential.  They just symbolise our experience.  Language just conveys something ABOUT experience.

HPT introduces Real Knowing through a form of direct exposure.  It’s called abstract learning.

It’s beyond believing.  It’s beyond thinking.  It’s beyond feeling.  It’s beyond sensing and beyond doing.  It’s akin to one of those moments when it all suddenly becomes clear after you have been working for days on a problem. 

Without the addition of new information or facts, a clarity unfolds, and you see the facts in a new way, which dissolves the problem and reveals the truth. 

Four areas of concern are:

1. Mind Structure.  This is the structure of our thoughts and a condition of how we work now.  The organizational principle.  Mind structures are not built on beliefs or specific belief systems or attitudes.  Mind Structures GOVERN ALL belief systems attitudes and viewpoints that arise IN the mind state.  All of those things must conform to the mind structure.  They govern what we know that we know and believe what we believe.  During the training the trainees context and organizing structure of the mind state is on show.

2. Mind Traps. These are resentment, regret, self-righteousness.  Anyone continually tripped by the Mind trap will always be working from within the context of the trap.

3. Mind Stories.  Each person has stories, experiences, beliefs which determine how their life is lived.

4. Mind Repression. Unconscious contents that are occasionally conscious.  Individual traumatic occurrences.  A Freudian repression of behaviour from the past.

All four areas may need to be dealt with but it is much more empowering to deal with the first of the four categories than the second or third or fourth.

There is a major flaw in psychotherapy and most of the self help movement.  Napoleon hill, Maxwell Maltz, the majority of the elite ‘gurus’ of personal development, psychoanalysts like Freud  are preoccupied with the third and fourth categories.  Focusing on the past can JAM that person deeper and deeper into the Mind system.

We give analysis, and experience in an experiential environment where the trainees TAKE PART in the exercises and training.  Explanation ALONE gives no power.  Mastery comes from realization of a philosophical context which operates out of the first two categories.  Looking and studying and referencing past experiences as a template for the future does not work.

Past, unempowering, limiting beliefs and memories do not serve you but the majority of people engage again and again with them.

The past is something a lot of people tend to carry around with them.  They reference it, they think about it, they look at it, they let it change their minds, they let it cloud their judgements and even worse, they carry it into their future. 

If you are looking ahead, into the future, you want to fill that big open area with all manner of great, positive, useful stuff but…you have your past in there, taking up a load of room.  We say, ‘drop it’…you don’t need to carry it around with you and you certainly don’t want your past to limit the amount of space you have to fill in the future.

HPT is about experience.  Patterns and problems continue to appear but instead of acting them out, dramatizing them, one begins to experience them and thereby one ‘experiences them out’.

The training itself is, as I said, about total and complete immersion.  Four 10 hour days, minimum. Usually, it’s longer than that.  Time is not the issue.  We aim for 9am to 7pm.  More often than not, the training is 9am to 9pm.

Day one is mainly conceptual and not experiential at all.  It begins at a level where most people operate from, at a level of concepts.  The trainees confront conceptual systems that devastatingly limit and shape them on a daily basis.

Day two consists of the Trainees bringing a statement of an unwanted condition that persists or a problem.  We go over them in detail only to find that the trainees persist in conceptualization.

Their statements are narrative rather than experiential.

We then take them through the truth process. Many of them experience the disappearance of the problems.  Then we take them through the Danger process.  This does two things.  They experience their own position and they experience the fear that drives them to hold on to that problem.

Day three is when we question the very nature of reality.  We help rehabilitate the powers of imagination and the experiential reality of the trainees.

Day four is the discussion day where we discuss The Compartments of the Mind.  This is where we lay siege on the mind.  This powerful lecture like discussion stuns the trainees into a state of horror.  By now they can take a concept and experientialise it.  They hit Rock Bottom.  But it is at that moment they realise that they are NOT their minds or their positions, or their beliefs: and they have falsely identified with them and created ego.  At that point, they blow their mind, they transcend their mind, and the siege has ended.  We give them the opportunity to experience choice and responsibility.

The Understanding of the Self follows.  This is experienced after you have transcended the mind, you experience it directly.

The Self is without position, it is space. Space to move, breath, create without content; it’s the context or matrix – it has no form, no process or content, no position, but it gives rise to them. This is who you really are.  The trainees are now transformed, and the training is ended.


A transformed person is one who tells the truth and who understands that Experience and reality are the only beliefs.

A transformed environment or business is one where the truth can be told.


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