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Slight of Mind Newsletter –

Writer's picture: DAVE MOOREDAVE MOORE

Dear friend and mega-achiever!

This is a copy of the latest monthly newsletter coming straight to you from the control centre of Slight of Mind©. So much exciting stuff has happened this year so far that e-mail cannot do it justice. A quick check of the website would bring you up to speed but, as you know, that’s going through a SERIOUS modification and the wait will be worth it.

This is to give you an insight into the world of SLIGHT OF MIND©

…In other words, the important stuff…


So many Seminars, RAT programs, BoardBreaks and Firewalks, so many training days, so many people changed their lives for the better. Not just because of us, but with us! Lots of people have benefited and raised their game including us. We learn from you as much as you learn from us, so thank you.

Manchester, Paris, Glasgow, Brussels and Amsterdam and loads of other venues all slotted in. Wow!

Our friends at Telewest have some really cool people working for them and now they are HOT, HOT, HOT!!!

Recently, we made loads of friends with a group on a weekend training session in St Helier in Jersey. Two kick-ass days with 110 achievers. Boardbreaking was the metaphor at the end of the seminar there and boy did they go for it. They have a variety of challenges facing them at present, including the big invasion of Scientology on the Island (!!), but they are now more than capable of changing ANYTHING THEY CHOOSE or ANYTHING THROWN AT THEM! They know why, how, and when they do certain things and they can now change their states. What’s more, they can definitely breakthrough any challenge. We know how powerfully we hit home as quite a few of the notepads placed on the tables at the Pomme d’Or so that the delegates could make notes only had ‘SLIGHT OF MIND©’ written in them! We said it wasn’t a seminar that you would take notes at…you’d be toooooo busy!

Got a call from a local rag that wants to do a story on yours truly. The guy rang and said, “Hi, this is Craig from your Local Paper.” I said, “That statement only works if you know where I am!” He said, “Chingford?” I said, “I’m in the car on the M6 in Birmingham. Your move.” We agreed that he would call me next day and ‘shoot the breeze (believe me, that was his phrase not mine). This guy wanted to condense 20 years of sales, motivation, NLP and state management training down into a quarter page article. He had no intention of opening his mind to what else is around outside his small sphere. He was what we call in the trade a ‘mismatcher’. A polarity responder. Everything I said he took the opposite stance. Someone who felt not only out of his knowledge pool but also out of his depth! Imagine a grandfather clock on the bridge of the Enterprise. Got that picture? Bang out of place, yeah? There you go!

His first question: “This stuff you do, it doesn’t really exist, does it?” he asked. I thought, “This guy is either mad, or both!” I remembered Bandler and his, “Hypnosis is bad and it doesn’t exist” piece. That always cracked me up. I jumped right in, \”Have you ever met someone who was so far outside of your realm of consciousness and understanding that you thought you could never connect with them but for some magical and mysterious reason you found that you did connect and what I say to you really does make absolute and complete sense. Something SO new…so revolutionary…that you\’ve got to suspend your everyday belief because you have nothing to reference it against? And whatever you thought was normal or standard, wasn’t and this new way of thinking was right. As you find yourself thinking that you won’t be surprised to find that everything is measured BY (BUY) EVERYTHING I TELL YOU!\” Which he actually proceeded to do!! He bought everything I told him. He wants to attend a RAT program now when we are local to him. He still hasn’t told me where ‘local’ is yet and I ain’t going there again!!!

There are a shedload of courses being constructed and our product/ multimedia department, Line of Sight, is taking a lot of requests and orders over the phone (oh, that’s what we used before the internet!) for tape and video courses. These are like Shrodingers Cat. They don’t exist…yet. But they will. The new ZeNLP course, in conjunction with DNA, look like being more popular than even we envisaged. Desperate for information? Take that feeling and double it. Now put it to one side. Don’t lose it; put it in a safe place. Not your recycle bin though. Open a new file, ‘contactdaveinseptember.doc.’

Lots of stuff on embedded commands, word patterns, predicates, visual/ auditory/ kinesthetic, mind maps, time lines, the power of questions…and, that ‘Power Of Making Anyone Buy Anything’ course that has been requested over the months, well, I may look into that and offer it as a postal course so stay tuned!

Are there enough hours in the day, days in the month, months in the year and cells in the brain to do all this? You bet! 🙂

Here’s an example of how the power of questions works. Questions are the key to everything. Ask a great question, you’ll get a great answer. Something you can work with. Ask a crap question, and you’ll get the answer you deserve. I was standing in the dining room with some friends one day and as I walked out to the hallway there was a knock at the door. When I opened it there was a very presentable middle aged man from a local double glazing company who really should have known better!

“I’m not selling anything.” He said. What a start! Pull yourself up from that one! “I happen to be in the area and I notice that you have quite new windows. Are you looking to have any more fitted?” “So you are selling double-glazing?” I asked. “I could give you a quote on some windows. In fact we have an offer on right now that would be hard to beat.” He smiled; unaware that he had exposed his opening statement as a lie. Who buys from liars? (I know, we all do, but not obvious liars!) “How much did you pay for the windows here?” he asked and I told him it was the windows at front and back of the house and a security door that had come to £11,000. He then went into, “we could have done it for less, we have special offers, what a shame…” I asked him to measure up and quote me, as I was curious. This he did and after much tapping on his calculator he looked very sheepish and apologetic and said, \”Well, we could have done the same job for £9000!” and produced the calculator with a flourish to prove his point. “Great!” I said, “I’ll take it. I live over the road. The house is identical.”

I don’t know if you have ever seen, in a cartoon, a characters face change colour like water or sand draining out of a glass but this guy did the same thing. Then he did the motorboat impression. “But…but…but…but…” It took a few seconds but he finally said, “But, I thought you lived here?” “Why did you think that?” I asked him. “I just opened the door. Shall we go?” After a few minor adjustments the final bill was £9250. I wonder what it would have been if he had known ‘The Power of Questions’? Rule one of door to door selling: “Good morning Sir, are you the homeowner?”

Till next time…

Virtually yours…


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