Our world is in need of Transformation.
Without US, collectively taking charge and instigating that transformation, it will never, ever, happen.
Governments around the world send aid, medical supplies, food and all manner of things to the far flung corners of the world in the hope that they are received and used.
Many people remember Live Aid in 1985. We were told that we would ‘heal the world’. We haven’t. All that has happened so far over the years is the continual application of a new band aid on a wound that has never healed. In fact, it has got progressively worse.
Food, aid, medical supplies and money has been sent and yet , when you add it all up over the years, it would have been more cost effective to give every one of them a McDonalds meal, pack up these communities in Africa and move them nearer to a civilised area where they could be looked after until they could look after themselves. It is a harsh reality, but this is a harsh world for some people.
The ONE THING that is needed more and more is never sent. EDUCATION.
Not just a regular education. Not a multiplication table, not an English history lesson…but Transformational Technologies that will show people that there is an alternative to their current situation, there is a world waiting for them, they have the resources within themselves to go out and make a difference. Business knowledge, interpersonal skills, management skills, sales training and attitudinal training.
Many of the people around the world living in poverty have no way of learning any of this. They don’t have internet access, they don’t have the money to buy the books or DVD’s or even pay for the seminar ticket. They don’t know WHO to listen to. In fact, they don’t even know that these things exist. They believe they have to spend their lives on their knees, waiting for the latest help to arrive in the form of a food parcel.
The Moore Consortium is committed to spreading the vision, ability and technology to transform these communities from spending their lives down on their knees waiting for help into people with choices, information, ability, knowledge and determination to get off of their knees, to stand up, get out into the world and change their futures. We intend to give them a future designed with them in mind!
The Global Transformation Project is the most important program I have ever been involved with.
Think Asia. Think South America. Think Africa. It is easy to think that these are the usual places that need this help.
Now think USA. Think Canada. Think Great Britain. Think Russia Think Eastern Europe.

In every part of the world there are collections, groups, communities of people living rough. Homeless communities, poor people, people with no education who live on assistance, benefits or maybe just the scraps they can steal, beg for or find.
We have nice lifestyles. We have families. We have careers. We have money. We have ideas. We have plans. We have a duty…a duty to change this world, not just for ourselves, or for those that follow us: We have a duty to help those less fortunate than us. We have the ability to help them, to assist them, and we need a group of intelligent, successful entrepreneurs, business people, trainers who can Transform these people around the world by sharing our knowledge and abilities so that THEY can have the same as us…a future.
We are committed to putting together a group of Transformation Experts from all over the planet. A collaborative group of excellence who are willing, and who are funded, to travel to these places and give advice and training for free, to people who could never afford to listen to this life changing information, because they have no idea it exists and, if they did know, they have no idea where it is or ability to buy it.
We need to create the crack in the wall through which people see a world they never knew existed…OURS!
We aim for Governmental funding to make this a long term reality. We know that this will work but in the short term we need to prove that this will work.
We are looking for Trainers, business people, coaches, managers who are willing to take some time out of their schedules to go to some of the areas we have identified and give a presentation to groups of people in Hotel Seminar rooms, Cinema auditoriums, and sports arenas. Your expertise, your knowledge will make a massive change to the lives of these people.
Our initial goal is to raise £500,000 to fund the project for one year. Then a variety of experts will travel to various areas of the globe with their travel, expenses and accommodation paid for, and make some positive and life altering Transformational Changes to thousands of people. When the various governments get more and more involved the Project will be governmentally funded.
This is an opportunity for YOU to be involved in making a difference that makes the difference. We need to raise £500,000. So far we have raised over £218,000 (as of February 2016) from very small and very large donations.
We have a long way to go…but we will never,EVER, give in.
Please click on the link at the top of this page for more information or to make a life-changing Donation.
Your donation, however small, is integral to giving these people a future. This is not a charity…this is a Global Transformation Project dedicated to altering the future of the people of our planet. Each person making a donation will become a Global Transformation Ambassador, commemorated as one of the financial angels that started the movement. Who knows? You may want to go further and be one of the Transformation Trainers taking your expertise to people who need it.
On behalf of The Moore Consortium,
the future Belongers of the GTP
and the people who need us,
Thank You for reading