As Christmas and the end of the year hurtle towards us the stress of New Year Resolutions builds. What do we want from 2016? What did we want from 2015? Are they the same things? Do we need to reboot or reset our lives? The answer is: UPGRADE! But first… Stop! Don\’t fall for it. Don\’t fall for New Year Resolutions. Think about it….where are you right now? I don\’t mean your location on the grid or where you are in your home or office but where are you in LIFE? Are you happy in that location or….yeah right 😉 So you assume that this is the time to change your life, go for what you really want, and get the life you want. Didn\’t you say that last year? And the year before that? Do I need to write that sentence again? There is a definition of madness or insanity which is: doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result. I admit we all do it.. \”I am going to: …drink less, …exercise more, …eat healthier, …watch less TV, …spend more time with family, …yadda yadda yadda, …stop saying yadda yadda yadda…\” After a while….we slip back to our default setting. We have all the best intentions but its not enough. It seems to me that the reason we fail so epically sometimes on resolutions is that we are throwing a behaviour or desire into a mix where it cannot survive. I knew someone who had a very large fishtank. He ordered salt and gravel from Fiji. Water solutions from Hawaii. He ordered fish from all over the world because he liked their color or shape(!) Two guys would come to the office and change the water and treatments on this massive tank and they would be shocked at the mix of fish inside it. Fish with eels with crabs etc. He never, ever, thought about whether they were compatible with each other. He bought a lot of fish. In the end, he had hardly any, because some ate others, some merely killed others, some just died thru being in the wrong mix. I am not going to tell you who the guy was! Resolutions are like that. We have to change a lot more than just ONE behaviour to make our life better. If you reset or reboot your life then all you are doing is tidying up and streamlining. it\’s good, and it works to some extent but it doesn\’t bring the big rewards that you deserve. The only way to truly advance, to move forward and be a person who does stuff that you never did before is to go for the UPGRADE. If you upgrade you are saying to the world, the universe and everyone in it \’That was me THEN. This is me NOW. The New, Enhanced, Future-proof version of me.\’ If you attempt to run the latest version of MSWord on a previous version of Office you are in for a surprise. For one thing, the upgraded version cant be run on the old software and secondly, it won\’t recognise the document. If you try to play a Blue-Ray DVD on a basic DVD player….no chance. All of those examples will work the other way around though. Because the operating system or unit is MORE POWERFUL than the old version. It recognises the old version. It has been UPGRADED. The upgraded MSWord system will upgrade the older document so it can be read. The Blue-Ray DVD will play an older DVD. You can even put a PlayStation 1 game into a PlayStation 4 console. Why? Because it is the more powerful version of the old version. The Upgraded you can still relate and interact with whatever you choose to from your past but to move forward you need to upgrade yourself and step into the future right now. You must upgrade everything around you, important to you, loved by you, used by you, into the new mindset and decide right now that you are no longer going to be that person who \’settled\’ and \’accepted\’ what was handed to you. You are now going to go out and get what you want, do what you want, be what you want with and for who you want. Want to start a new business – do it. Want to add a few zeros to your bank balance – do it. Want to travel- do it. Want to be happy- do it. Want to make 2016 your best year and the start of everything- Do it!! Don\’t just do one thing, do a lot. Do them well. Grab every opportunity that comes your way. If opportunity doesn\’t come your way, go and find it. Go IT\’S way and Surprise it. You have every single resource you need to achieve what you want inside you. You have the key. The key is the desire, the will, to change. Decide to make that change, that upgrade, and use the skills that you have that have lay dormant inside you, untapped until now. Life does not get better by chance, luck, resolutions or hope…it gets better by CHANGE. Make 2016 the year of CHANGE, the year of YOUR change, and I will see YOU at the top!
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