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The Source of Transformation

Writer's picture: DAVE MOOREDAVE MOORE

\”This is all about becoming the person you were DESTINED to be! You need to release the REAL you! That\’s right! The REAL you, the one that you were, the one that all this useless \’stuff\’ is hiding…….We need to strip you back. Back to NOTHING…so that the person you were meant to be recognizes the person you really are, and takes you into a future of endless possibility!\”

~ Dave Moore

My Transformation experience is no different from any of the transformation experiences the delegates at the HPT-Transformation seminars experience.  It happens in an instant. All my life I had been searching for an answer to whatever was in my mind at the time. Every thought or idea needs an answer, or so I thought.  I had no idea at that point in my life, at that stage of my learning, that answers would come without being searched for, they would come from within. Answers, be they small or huge, are all around us and we fail to see them sometimes because they are so obvious or, on many occasions, we just have to understand that what we want sometimes comes dressed as something else and we need to unwrap it I had been adding information to my \’store of information\’ throughout my life.  Experience built on experience.  In truth, these experiences, learnings, teachings, ideas had all been added in the hope that something magical or unknown would happen allowing me to get to a critical mass of ideas and there would be an explosion…or I would find the real secret. Rain.

Rain on my face.

Even now, when most people run for cover when rain falls, I turn my face to the sky and let it hit my face.  I know what it means…it means I am alive.

Many people know of the slight accident in late 2014 ago when I ended up upside down in the back of a taxi that was in a head on collision in central London.

After 36 hours of tests in a London hospital I was discharged. Was I concerned? No. Did I fear for my life? No. It was just another adventure…

What do I mean by that?  I see everything as an adventure, something to experience, another incident that I can look back on, something I can draw strength from, something that I can grow from.

Where did THAT mindset come from?

In 2009 I was driving from Lyon to Paris in France.  I had been staying with friends and was on my way to visit some more in Paris before I boarded the Eurostar back to England a few days later.  It was late in the evening and raining quite heavily.  I had been asked to pick up a large strawberry gateaux from a patisserie in Lyon and it was sitting on the passenger seat of the hire car.  A leisurely drive to Paris was almost complete as the rain started to ease off on the country road.  The car headlights lit a sign telling me that there were only 35km left on my journey before I reached the Peripherique, the ring road around Paris.  I drove around the sharp right bend in the road when suddenly I was blinded by the headlights of a car directly in front of me on my side of the road.

I swerved to my left but the other car smashed into the rear wing of my car with a deafening crash and I was airborne over the steep bank that fell sharply from the left side of the road.

No sooner had my car hit the slope of the bank it started to roll down it.  It seemed endless.  It seemed in slow motion.  Memories were stored.  I remember as the car turned over and over the Gateaux hitting me and the windscreen.  I remember after turning over three times thinking to myself \’This is a bit excessive!\’  I remember hitting my head on the steering wheel.  I remember the roof of the car compressing down onto me, the windows shattering.  I remember the roar of the engine, and the deafening, constant, sound of the horn. Finally the car righted itself at the bottom of a 60ft bank…and silence.

I am told that it was twenty minutes before the emergency services arrived.  A crash team, fire service and paramedic team all descended on me as the car sat where it had finally come to rest, on a dirt road leading from who knows where, to a large house about 50ft away.

A very shocked looking man in a police uniform put his hand over his mouth as he looked into the car at me. \”Le gars est mort, le cerveau et le sang partout!\” he shouted.  Even my basic French told me he had shouted that I was dead and there was blood and brains everywhere…

\”I\’m not dead!\” I shouted, \”That\’s a strawberry gateaux\”

I thought the car had caught fire or even worse, they were letting off fireworks (Thanks, how kind!), but it was an angle grinder that was cutting through the car to get me out.

Eventually I was out of the car and strapped to a stretcher on wheels.  I was given a neck brace that covered all of my head apart from my face.  I lay there, thankful that I was alive.

In what seemed like minutes but were more likely as not seconds, I changed.  I changed completely.

I can pinpoint that change to that very moment without any hesitation or uncertainty.  At that moment, lying on that stretcher, next to a dirt road near Paris, I had a realisation.

I had almost died but I no longer feared death, because I had stared it in the face and it had turned away.  I no longer fear death and never will. I realised I still had so much to do in my life.  People to meet, places to go.  I resolved not to stop until all of my goals and dreams were realised and I knew that would be never, as new ones appear all the time. I realised that time was precious and life was precious too.  Lives can change in a moment.  Every second of every day was meant to be enjoyed, explored and appreciated. I realised I had wasted so much time in my life.  I hadn\’t done what I wanted or should have done on occasion.  I hadn\’t said what I wanted or should have said on occasion. I realised that I would say and do exactly what I felt I needed to from now on. If I liked someone I would tell them immediately.  If I wanted to do something I would do it.  If I delayed it, I may never get another chance.

I had become something other.  Something else from the person I had been until that moment.  I had a greater understanding and appreciation.  I had a far more powerful understanding of myself, and my capability.  I had been released.

As the rain hit my face I understood that it was great to be alive.  It was as if I was a different person from the old me, I was now the New Me!

I lay on that stretcher and realised that, as I felt the rain on my face, I was alive, I was different, I was transformed.

After a month in hospital I was transferred to England and eventually, after a few weeks, went home.

I could philosophize about the accident.  Why it happened.  The reasons, the timing, the significance etc etc. Saying \’Why me?\’ was for other people to say.  The truth was, that accident was one of the greatest events of my life.  It made me realise so much about myself.  It made me become the person I was meant to be.

I have a very small chipped piece of bone at the base of my spine that causes me pain now and then. I lived with that for a few years.  I have now had it removed.

When it rains I turn my face to the sky for a while to feel the raindrops on my face, and I relive that moment when I became the new me… It was Transformational. What happened on the day of my Transformation, after I had crashed my car and was lying on a stretcher in a French field with the rain landing on my face was like nothing else that had happened in my life. It wasn\’t anything like \’new\’ information being given to me.  It wasn\’t that I had suddenly realised things.   It was that the system in which my information was contained was touched, so I suddenly went from knowing these five billion things to knowing a totally different five billion things.

I firmly believe that in moments like this, and even in realisation moments less extreme than this, we have to be near to \’The Source\’ to gain the understanding. In other words, in one moment I knew nothing about what I knew and came to know everything.  I am not being unhumble in this so take this in the spirit it is meant.  I REALLY knew what I already knew, I understood it, and I experienced it.  Experiencing is the key, it\’s the reality. I went through this period where I absolutely didn\’t know anything, because I could see that every piece of information which I contained, even the information contained in my brain about how to function, were contained within a system or context that precluded aliveness. My entire system of knowing – not what I knew, but the system or context in which I knew – fell away and I came out the other side and found everything in an instant. I am so excited when the trainees at the seminars get the Transformation.  They all break free from their identification with their minds and bodies and glimpse who they REALLY are, which is actually who they have been all along.  They de-identify with their mind, they de-identify with their body, they de-identify with their emotions, they de-identify with their problems, they de-identify with their \’Maya\’, and they begin to see they are not this play, this performance, this fiction.  With this de-identification they relinquish this drama of their lives and see the person they were always destined to be. Self is all there is, that\’s it.  We provide the crack in the wall through which the trainees see themselves and the world.  Sometimes, just a few bricks are all that\’s needed to be demolished, sometimes the whole wall. It is true enlightenment.   This is the fundamental change that takes place in the mind in an instant but takes four days of awareness training, harmonic development and experiential expansion techniques to achieve.  The trainees are turned around 180 degrees, from who they are…to who they were destined to be.  The Real person! This enlightenment is internal and is therefore called \’In Lightenment\’ within the HPT lexicon.

As a Zen master once put it, after this process everything is exactly as it was before, except two feet off the ground.


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