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Writer's picture: DAVE MOOREDAVE MOORE


Let me unlock the vault for you!

But first…

Have you ever read a book like The Secret, the Power, Think and Grow Rich, Ask and It is Given, 

Rich Dad/Poor Dad and others.  

Haven’t we all?  

The bookstores on our high streets and online are turning over thousands of copies of these books every week. One common factor runs like a thread through all of these books:  they promise to teach you how to make millions, be happy and manifest all your desires.

It is no surprise that they have been talked about on SkyNews, Oprah, CNN, NBC, The Today Show, Newsnight and written about in Time Magazine, The New York Times, GQ, Cosmopolitan and hundreds of other publications. Major celebrities, famous billionaires and members of Royal Families have admitted to using the information in these books to achieve riches and fame.

When you read one, or all of them, did you get the feeling that something was missing?  As if you had completed a 1000 piece jigsaw only to find that the most important piece was missing?  You are not alone in feeling like that!

These books are very good.  They explain a lot.  They show you what can be achieved.  But there is a problem with them…they ALL miss the most important secret key ingredient that makes the information REALLY work, and work FAST!

That’s why most people who read them do not get results. Most of the people who buy and read these books get all excited about their life changing, getting that new job, new car, new partner and that ability to have some salary left at the end of the month rather than some month left at the end of the salary!  Then, the reality sets in.  They do everything those books suggest and they wait, and they wait, and they wait…and NOTHING has changed! 

Quite naturally, people believe that they did one of three things:

1. They did something wrong…they didn’t!

2. They didn’t do it right…they did! 3. They missed something…no they didn’t…it wasn’t there!!

The third one is almost right! In actual fact, they didn’t miss anything, it just wasn’t there!  

It’s very hard to miss something if it isn’t there in the first place.

The fact is that there IS a MISSING KEY that has been PURPOSELY OMITTED

from these books and others like them!


I am about to tell you about the MISSING KEY to making ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

Here is how I learned about this and why I am offering it to you now.

As I have revealed in my seminars and on my blog, I have spent many years studying just what it is that some people do that makes the difference that makes a difference.  Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people seem to have everything while others spend their lives wanting?  Why is it that some people seem to live high up in a rarefied atmosphere where wealth is all around them and yet, they don’t appear to be doing anything different than YOU?

How many times have you asked yourself: ‘Why can’t I be more successful?’ or ‘Why can’t I have what I want, live the life I want, and provide everything for my family?’

Get ready!

I am going to show you how to have, be or do anything you want!!

Click here to get the lifechanging program

Let’s cut away the fallacy from the facts…

“These secrets are known to the chosen few people.” That is absolutely true.

“Who are these people?” 

They are members of Companies, societies and organizations around the world, but they are NOT the secret underground, Area 51, for your eyes only, stealth, need to know basis, loved by conspiracy theorists Gray Men people think are lurking in the background.

They are people who belong to Companies, Businesses, organizations and groups who know these secrets and who pass this information on to a select few.  The average guy has no chance of gaining membership and receiving all the benefits from the knowledge, networking opportunities and associations these societies offer…UNLESS, they were invited, proposed and accepted.

That is one reason the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Most of the secret societies are not really a secret at all. It’s what goes on INSIDE the societies that is the big secret! It’s how its members work together that is a secret!

When you are a member of one of these organizations or societies you LEARN a new way of doing things,  of how to obtain incredible wealth, power, luck, control, happiness, romantic love… You learn how to CONTROL all situations in your life and how to make all events turn out for YOUR advantage. You are taught secrets that can allow you to HAVE…BE….and DO…ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU WANT!

These secrets,


CAN make all your dreams come true!

The questions I get asked are…

“WHAT exactly are these secrets?

“HOW do I apply these discoveries for wealth, power, luck, love and romance in my personal life and make it work for me?


How can I get this knowledge without being a member of these societies, companies or organizations, so I can BE, DO, and HAVE EVERYTHING I WANT “FAST?”

Now those questions are being answered! Whatever YOUR dreams in life are….they CAN be achieved!

These secrets are SO powerful

and work so fast

that they AMAZE all who use them.

When used correctly, whatever you want in life can come RUSHING to you like it is being pulled by a magic magnet.

WARNING! Money can come to you so fast and in such large amounts, it will frighten you!   (I know this sounds too good to be true, but it IS TRUE…and it is as good as it sounds!)

I have acquired this information and I am willing to pass THE COMPLETE INFORMATION on to people outside of those organizations, businesses and societies who believe this information is on a need to know basis.  Imagine having ME ‘PERSONALLY’ teach YOU how to apply this most powerful secret technology in YOUR life and helpMAKE ALL YOUR DREAMS AND WISHES COME TRUE!

For the first time ever you will have revealed to you the secrets that were previously exclusive to members of these groups! Now, for THE FIRST TIME, someone is willing teach YOU exactly how to use these powerful secrets inYOUR life and make them WORK for YOU….in RECORD SPEED!  And that person…is ME!

You will learn how to HAVE, BE AND DO ANYTHING YOU DESIRE!

Imagine having ME as your PERSONAL mentor to teach YOU the secrets to making more money faster than you ever thought possible, have unlimited power in your personal life, have the most amazing romantic relationship you could imagine, have amazing health and vitality, become lucky in everything you do, control all people and situations in life, and have the financial freedom to enjoy your life like never before!

As you know, these companies, organizations and  societies include many wealthy and powerful people. I have talked with and confer with many of these members.


In all the books and seminars you have read or watched, in person, on tape, on DVD or on the Internet, you have ONLY EVER been given enough information to make you want more.  The people promising you answers are not going to give you THEIR secrets because they don’t want the competition.  They are just going to tell you enough to make a slight increase in the levels of your life so that you see an improvement.  So that you think ‘it worked’ but then…nothing else happens.  If you are happy with that then stop reading now.

Here is the difference that MAKES the difference:



Here is the shocker, you better sit down:  Unlike the others I DON’T CARE HOW SUCCESSFUL OR RICH YOU BECOME because I don’t see you as a threat to ME…I KNOW THERE IS ENOUGH WEALTH IN THE UNIVERSE TO GO AROUND…IT IS ABUNDANT.  THERE IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE. 

The ONLY barrier to your success is YOU!

I have associated with some of the most successful and powerful people on the planet. This creates a “master mind” group – making the society even more powerful, and membership even more beneficial. When you associate and learn from super successful people, it actually DOES rub off on you —— YOU are changed for the better!

See it as the ULTIMATE CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE AND SUCCESS…And the best part of a circle is….? BEING ON THE INSIDE!

Think about it…dream about it…AND watch for the next post when you will be given the opportunity of your lifetime.

In the mean time…think of this…


My story is very unique. I have lived a lifestyle most people

only dream about.

My achievements in business, health, my uncanny luck, and my lifestyle have amazed me and the people who know me. I have lived an amazing life.

Here’s what using these powerful secrets has done for me:

My associated companies have done MILLIONS of pounds in sales

I have owned Publishing companies, Sales companies and businesses in the UK and in many other countries

I have lived in million pound homes, all across the UK, and on 3 continents

I live a life that allowed me to drive cars like Rolls Royces, Ferraris, Jaguars, Bentleys and Mercedes

I have owned millions of pounds worth of fine jewelry, gold, antiques and art

I travel first class wherever I go (including jets, limos and the most expensive hotel suites)

I’ve had private chefs, drivers and bodyguards

I’ve dined in the finest restaurants and enjoyed the most expensive wine and champagne

I have associated with some of the richest, most powerful people in the world including Prime Ministers, Generals, business tycoons and Hollywood celebrities

I also have unreal human health (I virtually NEVER get sick)

The reason I tell you these things is


It is to IMPRESS UPON YOU that I know something YOU NEED TO KNOW!

If YOU learn what I have been taught, YOU could HAVE, BE or DO ANYTHING YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE!

But life was not always good for me!

I was an only child, born in a very poor part of East London.  My parents worked VERY hard to put and keep a roof over our heads.  I grew up in a very loving environment with the best parents anyone could wish for.

Things didn\’t get better until my Father became a Manager with a very large supermarket chain.  He became an area Manager and Director before he retired.  In the early days we had no bathroom, just a tin bath in front of the fire three times a week.  We had a toilet at the bottom of the garden lit by candles. We had no telephone until I was 12 and a colour TV didn\’t appear until I was 15.  My parents worked long hours to make money.  I went to work when I was 15. 

Before I discovered how to get everything I wanted and learned the secrets, I was just an average guy who grew up in a very poor and moneyless environment.

I never went to college, that was much later, and for years went from job to job. I did not have “connections.” I was dead broke and overweight. Life was a struggle. Making ends meet was tough. I was in debt and had trouble paying my bills. I couldn’t get a date. I was unhappy and unfulfilled. Things never went my way. I felt like I had a black cloud over my head. I was unlucky in everything. I felt like a curse was on me. (Maybe you can relate in some ways.)



I was desperate to change my situation. I read over 1,000 self help books and went to every seminar I could, to learn HOW to be successful. The problem was that none of the people teaching me WERE successful! They all made their money TEACHING other people how to be successful! They NEVER did it themselves!

Everything I learned was THEORY. It just didn\’t work in real life.

Worst of all, it was just a theory to the people who were teaching others.

But I was a young man who seemed to have potential. Although not a member of an elite privileged family, I was fortunate enough to meet someone who knew how to get what they wanted.  They also showed ME how it really works! It was a total fluke. I was at the right place at the right time. They gave me an offer I could not refuse. At the time I did not know WHY I was chosen to learn all of this.

When I received my invitation I immediately accepted! I studied and learned the secrets with more passion than anyone ever had in their history!

It turned out I was gifted with the unique ability, much like Einstein, at “crunching” or simplifying complex concepts and making them easy to understand and apply. I totally integrated the “secrets” into my whole being and life!

I even created what I call the “5 Second Miracle” from all this amazingly powerful secret information —— which is based on taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life. I simplified the secrets I had learned, the information and secret keys to success.

One day, I felt I was READY to see if this secret information would REALLY work like they told me. Could it be true that by simply applying this foolproof, almost magical secret, I could HAVE, BE or DO ANYTHING I WANTED? Would it REALLY be that easy? Would it REALLY work so fast?

All these well-known, powerful, and super rich members told me it was true, and they had the physical proof it worked. They had the money, wealth, power, control, luck, health and status. It was definitely working for THEM. But would it work for ME?

It is a little like changing fonts and colours and margins on a computer.  It may look great but it will not be a permanent change unless you hit the ‘APPLY’ button..

and I hit ‘APPLY’ in my life!!!

Everything changed almost overnight for me! From the MOMENT I starting using this new knowledge, it worked – in fact, EVERYTHING in my life became better. It was almost magical! It was almost like I had found Aladdin’s Lamp and had a Genie that would grant me every wish I had!

Within a short time, I got out of debt. I started making more money than I could ever dream about. I became lucky at everything. I lost weight. My health became amazing! I had luxury cars, houses, jewellery and clothes. I bought my parents a home and a new car.  I travelled first class, and most importantly, I was HAPPIER than ever before. I was living a stress-free magical life

I felt I could see the future and predict events and will things to occur in my life with uncanny accuracy!

I also felt totally in control of all situations and people.

My confidence was at an all time high and I had no fear in my life!

I have attracted MONEY FROM ALL DIRECTIONS and have enjoyed a lifestyle that most people could not even imagine.

People all around me could not believe my success! It happened so FAST it looked like I hit the lottery! I became super “lucky!” Everything I touched turned to gold as if by magic.

Then one day, a person who worked with me came BEGGING to learn my secrets. He wanted to know HOW I was getting so lucky.

After three years of BEGGING, I reluctantly decided to teach SOME of the secret discoveries to him. This was AGAINST the rules of the PEOPLE WHO SHOWED ME! 

These discoveries and secrets were for THE CHOSEN FEW ONLY! But I felt I was only revealing a “FEW” of the secrets – NOT ALL OF THEM.

These secrets are SIMPLE and EASY to learn. He was a quick learner and he started applying these secrets right away.

Within a year, starting with ZERO, he became RICH BEYOND HIS DREAMS!

I could not imagine how good I would feel seeing another person succeed with this knowledge. It was fantastic!

NOBODY who had learned these secrets like me was supposed to pass them on to just ANYONE! This gives an UNFAIR advantage in life to the PRIVILEGED ELITE class. The “little” guy or “average” person is left out! I felt this was TOTALLY UNFAIR and just plain WRONG! So I decided to break the rules and teach some of the secrets to a few other people who were SERIOUS about doing whatever it takes to get a better life.

Could YOU also be one of those people?  Of Course you can be…why?  Because you already are, you just don\’t know it.  Let me show you….

Click here to get the Lifechanging Program


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