This is the Intention poster on my office wall as of today and I will see it every day. If I don\’t see it I have a smaller version in my Filofax and on my iPhone as a screen saver.
What is YOURS!!
\”If you are going to think anyway….you should think BIG!\”
What is YOUR #Intention ?
Tell me what it is…#DareToShare
There is no limit to what we can achieve or be given.
You can ask for as much or as little as you want as long as you are specific.
Make your intention big, bold and powerful.
Concern yourself only with doing things to make your Intention, your goal, a reality. Don\’t try to figure out the \’HOW\’. That will show itself.
Look for the signs, guides and signposts in your life.
Be aware that the Universe conspires to give you everything you want as long as you are ready to receive and have taken some action to make it happen.