One of the most repeated questions when anyone signs up for the HPT-Transformation seminar is: \’Who will I meet?\’
Everyone wonders who else is going to be there, from what walk of life, from what business, from what location.
I always give the same answer if it is me they are asking. \”You will meet a lot of people, but one person will stand out among all the others. That is the most important person you will meet. Yourself!\”
When I say \”You will meet yourself\” I mean the various versions of yourself.
You will meet your Social Self. This is the person everyone thinks they are. It\’s the self that\’s familiar, comfortable and automotive.
Next, you will meet the person you\’re afraid to find out about, the one you are afraid to find out that you are. That is the terrible person you try to hide with your social self. You will see exactly what and who is hiding under the mask you label \’Personality\’.
Finally, you will meet who you REALLY are! And you will be amazed to know that until you meet that person, you will have no idea who that is!
Who you believe you are bears no relation to the reality of who you really are.
Who you really are is far more powerful, far more capable, and far more YOU than you have EVER been in your life up to that moment!