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You can be who you want to be

Writer's picture: DAVE MOOREDAVE MOORE

Are you done with all of your holiday shopping yet? I’m taking off Friday for Switzerland again.  It has been a regular thing for a few years at Christmas. Wherever you’re going, I wish you a safe trip. And lots of great food, drink and good company!

What is on your Christmas list for Santa this year?  No matter what you ask for, the one thing you really need to ensure that next year you get exactly what you want will NOT come from Santa.  Nor will it come from anyone else!

It’s a gift you can only receive from yourself.

It’s something that none of us even think to put on a Gift List. How do you wrap a gift that makes it possible for you to be the person you want to be, so that you can do the things you want to do, that will let you live the life you want to live? Is there even such a gift? Is such a thing even possible?

YES. It does exist and it is possible. But it doesn’t come in the form of some program you get by attending a live event, an online webinar series, or from a product that has a bunch of CDs/ DVDs and a flashy workbook.

Thats the gift that “they” all want to give you.  It\’s not the gift you need.

All these events, teleclasses, home-study programs and the like, are about teaching you STRATEGIES, giving you some sort of plan that basically involves not doing what you’re doing now and instead, doing what they tell you to do.

And you know as well as I do, that there’s a lot of vigilance, discipline and will power that has to go along with it, or you aren’t going to be able to stick to it. How well has that worked for you in the past?

You need more than just a resolution to be successful

Only a relatively tiny number of people succeed with these programs and strategies over the long term, because they run out of discipline, will power and never-ending vigilance. They go back to doing what they were doing before, because that’s who they are and that’s what who they are does.

And this is why those plans, programs and strategies don’t work.

Great… so what does work?

What works is becoming a person who easily and effortlessly acts and behaves in a way that supports achieving your goals, because that’s who you are. Once you become a person who naturally makes choices that are aligned with whatever goals you’re seeking to achieve, you don’t need willpower and discipline any more. You’ll make the most effective choices, because that’s what feels instinctively right to you.

What’s on your wish list?

  1. An ipad?

  2. A piece of jewellery?

  3. A new kitchen? 

  4. A new Car?

  5. Maybe even a trip to some warm Caribbean island for a week!

  6. A villa on a Greek island?

Or maybe you’re being more practical?

  1. Lose 20 pounds.

  2. Be more organized. 

  3. Break through the six-figure barrier into making seven figures.

And perhaps you know exactly what you need to do, or perhaps you’re still at the vague idea stage.

There is no shortage of people who have foolproof plans they guarantee will help you lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks eating whatever you want. You can find 20-step teleseminar series that will teach you how to organizeyour home, your office and your life. There are a myriad of programs that promise they have the secret that will enable you to create the right mindset for success. There are a number of programs that promise to show you how, just by thinking about it, you can manifest or attract all manner of stuff into your life.

Why Don\’t These Strategies Work?

They don’t work because they’re STRATEGIES, they’re a plan, they’re another way of doing something that will hopefully be more effective than what you’re doing now.

But they all have the same premise: 1. Take Behavior A 2. Substitute it with Behavior B 3. You’ll supposedly get a better result.

That could work IF you can muster up the willpower and discipline to stick to it. But once you’re past that first rush of anticipation and excitement, it usually turns into a struggle, especially if you’re more comfortable with the way you’re accustomed to doing things. And whoosh! There goes that resolution out the window!

Great… so what does work?

What works is becoming a person who easily and effortlessly acts and behaves in a way that supports achieving your goals, because that’s who you are. Once you become a person who naturally makes choices that are aligned with whatever goals you’re seeking to achieve, you don’t need willpower and discipline any more. You’ll want to do the “right” things, because that’s what feels instinctively right… to you.


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